Jim Coughlin
Wendy Nowokunski Headshot
Wendy Nowokunski
We founded Northbridge on the principle that as an organization we have many roles & one purpose. That purpose is to ensure that in everything we do, every day, our residents, their families, and our associates are living well and loving life. We're so proud this has held true for over 15 years.
Jamie Bell headshot
Jamie Bell
Corporate Director of Culinary Operations
Marlena Sturtevant
Regional Business Office Coordinator
Leslie Robinson
SVP of Operations
Jim Fairman
Corporate Director of Maintenance and Capital Improvements
Janet Mahony
Regional Sales Director
Dan O’Connell
Corporate Accounting Manager
Lisa Volovick
Office Manager
Matthew Tremblay
Director of Procurement
Judy Pelrine
Accounts Payable Specialist
Kelly McCarthy
VP Resident Engagement and Memory Care Services
Deb Madigan
Community Relations Liaison
Nick LaCasse
ESG Specialist
Jerry Kemper
Chief Financial Officer
Kimberly Hubbard
Manager of Associate Benefits
Kathy Giurini
Survey Coordinator
Shaunda Belanger
Talent Acquisition Assistant
Christina Camillo
Marketing Coordinator
Rene Snook
Regional Director of Clinical Services
Rosi Renadette
Regional Director of Clinical Services
Courtney Freeman
Regional Director of Operations
Scott Bradshaw
Regional Director of Sales
Donna Sickler
Director of Compliance
Jennifer Rubin
Operations Coordinator
Nina Raso
Internal Auditor
Linda Mumford
Talent Seeker and Keeper
Kristen Mearls
Training and Development Specialist
Lauren Mancini
Director of Property Accounting
Shannon Maguire
Marketing Manager
Kris Hoarty
Executive Assistant
Heather Duval
Director of HR Operations
Kristen Germaske
Director of Marketing
Ryan Coughlin
Director of Energy Initiatives
Marlena Clark
Property Accountant
Joy Agule
Community Relations Liaison
Tracy Chen
Senior Property Accountant
Raquelle Cadeshian
Payroll Manager
Mia Shea
Regional Business Office Coordinator
David Lewis
Regional Operations Director
Patricia Foran
VP Wellness & Quality
Mel Horan Headshot
Mel Horan
VP of Sales
Jennifer Hastings
VP of Marketing
Erin Gowdy
SVP Asset Management
Deb Bradshaw
VP Human Resources
Jim Lane headshot
Jim Lane
VP of Data Analytics & Growth
Steve Puliafico Headshot
Steve Puliafico
SVP Northbridge Senior Housing
Renee Scudder Headshot
Renee Scudder
Chief Strategy Officer

Quotes from Our Management Team

Northbridge’s long standing reputation for creating a company-wide culture to live well and love life fits nicely with my personal and professional commitments. I couldn’t be more excited to be part of the Northbridge family.
Patricia Foran
VP Wellness & Quality
When Wendy and Jim asked me to join their team at Northbridge, I knew it was where I should go and spend the rest of my career. It’s simple, our outlook and philosophy are in alignment, which is sometimes rare in our industry. We know that by doing the right thing for our associates, residents and their families, working hard and believing in what you do equal success. If we are successful, our associates, residents and their families are also and living their best lives. That’s what it is all about.
Mel Horan
VP of Sales
My personal and professional values align perfectly with our founders’ vision of Living Well & Loving Life. It feels good to market a company I believe in alongside a team of professionals that are best in class. I know we are making a difference in the lives of our residents, their families and our associates.
Jennifer Hastings
VP of Marketing
Northbridge is at the intersection of being an established and professional data-driven organization while also maintaining focus on doing well by doing good. It is the perfect fit for me and I have been proud to grow my career here.
Erin Gowdy
SVP Asset Management
I grew up valuing the wisdom and stories of the seniors in my life and I have carried their values into a career in senior living. This is a business in which we have a unique opportunity to help families and their cherished seniors have wonderful experiences and create meaningful memories. I’m fortunate to have chosen a career that allows me to contribute to the care of seniors by caring for the people that make a difference in their lives every day.
Deb Bradshaw
VP Human Resources
Having known the founders of Northbridge for more than 20 years, I chose a career with Northbridge because I knew the leadership within the organization has a deep commitment to excellence and has always valued a great work – life balance for its associates. I believe finding the right balance brings out the best in people over the long term.
Jim Lane
VP of Data Analytics & Growth
I chose a career with Northbridge because I value my history with Jim and Wendy within the industry. I followed Northbridge’s success throughout the years and heard of how highly respected Northbridge is from many colleagues. I knew their culture would be a great fit for me.
Steve Puliafico
SVP Northbridge Senior Housing
I have chosen a career at Northbridge because I’ve long known about Wendy and Jim’s reputation for innovative growth. I’ve known Wendy since our early career days when she was referred to as a rising star, and Jim is respected by many in our industry. I knew it would be a unique opportunity to work with two visionaries who have created a mission-driven and goal-driven differentiated organization.
Renee Scudder
Chief Strategy Officer