Senior Green is a Unique Signature Program that Focuses On:

  1. Melding Comfort and Sustainability

    Our goal is to find the perfect intersection of comfort and sustainability for our residents and the environment.

  2. Leaving the World Better

    We treasure intergenerational connections and want to leave the world a better place for the generations to come.

  3. Value of Natural Resources

    We must protect the natural resources available to us and do our part to lessen the strain on those resources.

We pioneer many environmentally sound initiatives as we design and operate our communities. In particular, we emphasize energy conservation and protection of natural resources. We understand that our communities are representative of many households in every community we serve, and we know that even small, incremental changes can have a large impact on the future.

Finding the highest impact point where our residents’ comfort and environmentally sound management intersect is the true goal of Senior Green. Join us in our efforts to help our seniors leave the legacy they always intended; an earth well loved and cared for, to be enjoyed by generations to come.

Sustainability at Granite Hill Estates

Granite Hill Estates retirement community in Hallowell and Augusta, Maine has an active group of residents known as the Senior Green Committee, which is dedicated to improving sustainability within their community.  Their mission says, “Certified by the state of Maine as an Environmental Leader, Granite Hill Estates is committed to conserving the environmental resources on which its vibrant community life and the wellbeing of future generations depends.”

We talked with committee chair, Maggie Shannon, to learn about the initiatives they are working on, plans for the future and the excitement of being named a Certified Environmental Leader by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection