Cost Comparison Worksheet

Compare Assisted Living to Living at Home with our Worksheet
We pride ourselves on our predictable pricing because we know when it comes to making the decision you need to know all the details upfront. This worksheet helps individuals and families assess every cost associated with living at a community or living at home – it’s easy to overlook a few things. From big priorities like if a visiting nurse is needed, to smaller (but still important) concerns like snow shoveling or lawn care – we help you review all the details in one place. Remember to also think about the intangibles of living at a community – socialization with peers, access to art and wellness programs, and above all – peace of mind.
We hope you find this worksheet helpful!
Download our worksheet to:
- Calculate the monthly cost of living in your own home
- Quickly see what services & amenities are included at Northbridge communities
- Discover any cost-savings by living in a community
- Help someone you care about consider other options