POLICY TITLE: Compassionate Caregivers Fund  

DEPARTMENT: Human Resources  

SCOPE: All Stafford Management LLC associates 

RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Vice President, Human Resources 



The Compassionate Caregivers Fund was created to provide financial and other emergency assistance to associates of Stafford Management LLC (“Stafford”) who now, or may in the future, suffer economic hardship and devastating losses to their homes, property, and families, caused by natural disaster, accident, loss, medical emergency, fire, death of an immediate family member, or other associate emergency hardship situations.



Associates of Stafford Management LLC are eligible for apply for Aid for themselves and their immediate family members.



Hardship situations should be short-term or temporary in nature, and not chronic. A temporary financial hardship is one caused by a defined, time-limited, specific event such as fire, natural disaster (flood, hurricane, etc.), accident, loss, medical emergency, fire, death of an immediate family member, personal injury, injury of a household member or loss of employment or other emergency hardship situation even if covered by homeowner’s/renter’s insurance if assistance is needed before such insurance payments are available to the associate for the payment of living expenses, medical (including psychological services) and social services and travel costs, food, clothing, toiletries, hotel, household repairs and similar basic necessities.
Requests for assistance are subject to a maximum of up to $500.00 per request and the Committee will consider no more than two (2) requests per year, per individual. All awards are subject to the availability of funds and extent of need. Because the Fund is supported by donations, there is no guarantee that there will be available funds at a given time. No award shall be given if the fund balance is less than $500.
Approval of an application can be either partially or fully funded depending on the situation. Associates are not required to pay back Fund Aid. However, if the Fund Aid is paid back, it will be treated as a charitable contribution and may be deductible for tax purposes.

All decisions made by the Compassionate Caregivers Fund Committee are final, no appeal process is available.



Associates are required to complete a Fund Aid Application and an Income, Expense, and Debt Verification to be considered for financial assistance. Incomplete applications will be returned, which can cause delays. Fund Aid Application and an Income, Expense, and Debt Verification forms can be requested by contacting the Home Office Human Resources department via phone at 781-272-2424 or via email at admin@compassionatecargiversfund.org.
The completed Fund Aid Application and an Income, Expense, and Debt Verification should be sent to the Home Office Human Resources Department, marked “Confidential”. Applications and any documentation provided will be forwarded onto the Compassionate Caregivers Fund Aid and Review committee. Information provided by applicants will be confidential and shared only with individuals directly involved in award administration and payment processing.
The Compassionate Caregivers Fund Aid and Review Approval Committee will review the application and make a determination within two weeks or sooner depending on the circumstances. If additional information is required, the associate will be contacted by Human Resources.
Once a decision has been reached, the associate will be notified as soon as possible; first by phone, then by letter. If the application has been approved, a check will be mailed to the Fund Aid recipient or designee as soon as possible.



This policy will be administered by the Compassionate Caregivers Committee who will be responsible for discretionary decisions necessary in the application of this policy.