Excellent Benefits of the Blueberry – Pick, Eat & Enjoy

July is National Blueberry Month and it's a great time to remember all of the benefits that blueberries add to your life! From a fun family outing picking blueberries at a local farm, or digging in to a blueberry pancake covered in maples syrup and the many nutritional benefits that are packed into such a small fruit- there is plenty for everyone to enjoy! 

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Northbridge Recipe – Blueberry Lemon Ricotta Bruschetta

Laurelwood at The Pinehills Culinary Director, Suzie Ferguson, shares her creative blueberry recipe with us – Blueberry Lemon Ricotta Bruschetta! Ingredients: 1 pint of fresh blueberries 2 tablespoons of sugar 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar 11/2 cups whole-milk ricotta 1/4 cup of heavy cream Zest of 1 lemon plus juice of 1 lemon 1 teaspoon

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3 Fast Facts about Sunscreen and Summer Sun

Does it seem like every time the sun comes out this Summer, you find yourself sitting behind a computer screen, in the office and at work? Than you too must live in New England. What this means is that every moment able to be enjoyed in the sun must be taken full advantage of,  UV rays, tan lines and all. Although it might feel like it's been hard to catch any time in the sun this Summer, it's important to always be prepared for those hot, New England days. 

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Next Steps After a Dementia Diagnosis

If a loved one has received a dementia diagnosis, you may be feeling overwhelmed – and uncertain – as to which steps to take next. It’s important to understand there are several resources available to provide guidance. It can also be helpful to realize you are not alone. A recent study estimates that almost 10%

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A Guide to the Senior Living Move-In Process

Older adults who need help with daily tasks or who have discovered a declining quality of life may have decided an assisted living community could be the perfect solution. Residents can thrive when given the opportunity to live an engaged and meaningful life. Once a specific community has been selected and a move-in date chosen, it’s time to begin the senior living move-in process. However, you may be unsure of where to start.

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The Pride Flag(s) and its Meaning – hope comes in many colors

The symbol most associated with the LGBTQ+ community is the rainbow. Recognized as a symbol of hope throughout history, the rainbow was a perfect symbol to represent the LGBTQ+ community, all they had fought for and all they continue to fight for.

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