In Her Words: Zelda’s Story

In Her Words
Candid profiles of strength told by the women of Northbridge
Throughout the month of March we have collaborated to celebrate Women’s History Month and the rich history of the amazing women living in our communities. Their candid stories are brimming over with love, happiness, passion, family values and the markings of individuals who have truly lived well and loved life.
Zelda’s Story (Resident of Bayberry at Emerald Court)
What is your name:
What are the names of your parents and brothers and sisters?
Parents- Fanny and Israel and a sister, Janet.
How did your parents choose your name? Does it have a special meaning? Did you have any nicknames?
I’m named after my great grandfather Zef.
When and where were you born?
I was born on April 9th in Roxbury, MA.
What kinds of things did your family do together when you were young?
We went to the Franklin Park Zoo and Nantasket and Revere Beach.
What did you love to do with your friends?
Play canasta, Gin Rummy, movies, theater and opera.
What schools did you attend? What were your favorite subjects?
Roxbury Memorial High School which was an all girls school that turned coed the year after I graduated.
If married, what is/was your husband’s name? How did he propose?
My husbands name is Martin.
What are your children’s names?
My children are Barbara and Jefferey.
What are some special memories you have about your children?
I took my daughter to get her license. When she had to show her license she realized that it was expired because she accidently ripped up the new one thinking it was the old one. My daughter ended up having to drive home. I loved doing crosswords with my son.
Where have you lived?
Roxbury, Malden and Florida.
What are your hidden talents?
I love to knit, crochet, cook and bake.
What did you do to get through the difficult times in your life?
Prayed a lot.
Do you have holiday traditions? What do you do for the holidays?
Blessings, Passover food during Passover.
What are some of your favorite things?
Favorite colors? Purple
Favorite flowers? Gardenia
Favorite books? John Grissom, David Baldacci books
Favorite songs? All the old songs
Favorite foods? Pies
Favorite pets? Lady and Lassie were scotty dogs they were brother and sister
What are some personal experiences that have especially touched your heart?
The birth of my children.
What are your favorite things to do now?
Read, puzzles and shopping.
What are you favorite experiences to partake in at Bayberry at Emerald Court?
Happy hour and book club.
What do you hope for your children and grandchildren?
Good health
What is your biggest piece of advice?
Be true, be loyal, don’t lie, be giving.
Sum your personality up in 1 word?