5 Tips for Staying Healthy

So what do you need to be thinking about as the season changes? We have tips for staying Healthy during a New England Autumn!

Stay healthy this season! As the sun starts setting earlier and more layers are added to the daily wardrobe we slowly  realize that a new season is approaching in New England, Autumn! Apple picking, farm visits and everything pumpkin spice marks the start of a new season and for many new beginnings. So what do you need to be thinking about as the season changes? We have tips for staying healthy during a New England Autumn!

5 Tips for Staying Healthy:

  1. Get your flu shot
  2. Wash your hands
  3. Sleep
  4. Stay active
  5. Healthy living

Get your flu shot: the flu shot is the most effective way to prevent illness so it’s important to make an appointment with your doctor or at your local pharmacy to get yours.

What to know before you get your flu shot:

  • Make sure you are getting a shot every year- the one you got last year will not cover you for this year.
  • Age matters- make sure you are getting the dose that is right for your age group.

Tip: find where to get a flu vaccine near you by visiting: vaccines.gov

Wash your Hands: If COVID has taught us anything, it’s the importance of hand washing. During cold and flu season you should constantly be washing your hands as they may carry germs.

Why is it so important:

  • Prevents illnesses and spread of infections.
  • People frequently touch their eyes, nose and mouth without thinking and touching with unwashed hands may allow germs into your body.
  • Unwashed hands carry germs from one surface to the next spreading them to others.

Sleep: a consistent sleep schedule should be part of your daily routine. Not only does it help you feel well rested, but it is beneficial to so many parts of overall health:

  • Better memory and performance.
  • Better calorie regulation.
  • Better emotional and social intelligence.

Physical Activity: no matter what season we are in it is important to stay physically active, not matter how hot or cold it may be.

Physical activity improves:

  • Brain health.
  • Weight management.
  • Strengthens bones and muscles.
  • Functional fitness – the ability to carry out everyday tasks with ease.

Healthy Living: from skin care to good eating habits having an overall healthy lifestyle is good for your physical and emotional wellbeing.

So how can we feel and look our best:

  • Skincare: skin protects your body by providing a barrier from bacteria and other environmental hazards. It is important to protect your skin from extreme temperatures, sunlight and dryness.
  • Healthy eating: ever hear the saying ‘you are what you eat’? As much as most of us probably wouldn’t mind being that last cinnamon donut from the apple orchard we might need to think before heading for seconds. It doesn’t matter how heavy the weights are that you’re lifting,  or how many miles you run each day – sometimes you can’t beat a well-balanced diet. Eating healthy helps with better skin, teeth and eyes, supports muscles, boosts immunity and helps the digestive system.

As you head out to enjoy all of the fun activities Autumn in New England has to offer remember: park a little farther away and get a few extra steps, wash your hands when you finish with a fun activity, and maybe eat one less of those freshly baked cinnamon sugar donuts from the apple orchard you visit this season!

Stay Healthy this Season: Discover life at a Northbridge community

Our communities are staying cool this week with indoor programs, rides around town in the community van and of course – ice cream!

If you’re considering senior living for yourself or a family member, we hope you’ll visit one of our communities. You’ll find a maintenance-free, activity-filled and engaging lifestyle to help support your wellness goals.

You’ll also discover many benefits in a Northbridge Senior Living community, including our Signature Program S.T.A.R. Club (Sharp Thinking, Active Residents) – which offers our residents several activities to participate in with others, including:

  • Daily exercise group
  • Walking club
  • Tai Chi & yoga
  • Nutritional classes
  • Library and book club
  • Museum outings
  • Artists in residence program
  • Multi-generational music
  • Genealogy Generations

If you are considering senior living as the right choice for yourself or a loved one, we invite you to Find a Northbridge Community near you to learn more.



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