Sparking New Passions
On a global scale art is used to entertain, create awareness and foster acceptance of cultures. We created the Artists in Residence program to spark the creative interests of all Northbridge residents. Art enables us to grow, reflect and evolve in our understanding of ourselves, each other and the world we live in.
The exchange of information is most commonly accomplished using language, but what happens when words start to fail? It’s important to note that the exchange of information can take many forms: song, symbols, actions and even art.
Art provides a unique way to communicate with others. Artistic expression does not rely on the ability to recall words or phrases, but pulls from a more creative part of the brain. The ability to enjoy, view and create art is not something that can be taken away and can always be learned.
Benefits of our Artist in Residence program are: socialization, the opportunity to connect with new friends, activation of the senses, relaxation and inspiring creativity.